As we enter a new year of freedom...
Let us learn to Tolerate
Let us learn to Accept
Let us be free
from our numerous prejudices ...
Let us be free
from our fears
Let us be free
from our hatred
Let us learn to be aware
of all fanatics and lunatics
Let us wake up into a world
filled with hope and laughter
Let us wake up into a world
of no caste or creed
Let us wake up into a world
of no religion as a barrier
Let us wake up into a world
where all are equal
No matter the gender
No matter the caste
No matter the religion
No matter the money
No matter the color of skin
No matter the place of birth
No matter the language
No matter at all ...
Let that be our tryst
Our new tryst with destiny
Let this age end here
Let there be a new dawn